Cameras are scary……

Richard Charpentier Notes from Rich Leave a Comment

I have to say, it is the rare client who is super enthused about getting in front of a camera.  Normally my clients are nervous, highly self conscious, and comment often that they’d rather be elsewhere.  That’s no fault on the photographer, just setting up the appointment and preparing for the shoot I hear a lot of nervousness.

Personally, I don’t blame them at all.  I like being behind the camera, not in front of it.

What’s really nice is that once we start into a shoot everyone relaxes and mellows out.  My lighting assistants and I tease and joke with each other and with our clients.  Why?  Hey, we’re nervous too.  We’re there to make you look your best, to look relaxed, and to have a great experience.

Last night I photographed one of my regular clients.  She’s a local painter who makes wonderful, light, and happy pieces.  When we set out to shoot her I wanted to relay everything I have seen in her works in my photographs.  And in the end, we did it!  Was she nervous when we scheduled the appointment?  Yup.  But by the time we were wrapping up it was all smiles, all natural, and very comfortable.

So, cameras might be scary, but if you have the right photographer it’ll go well and you won’t even pay attention to the camera.

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