The blog may be quiet, but the Airstream is buzzing!

Richard Charpentier Arizona, Commercial Photographer, Notes from Rich, Photography, Prescott, RLC Design, Web Design Leave a Comment

"The Tree"  One of my favorite Prescott Photos.

“The Tree” One of my favorite Prescott Photos.

I’ve taken a few days away from the blog.  Not for lack of interest, but because so much is actually happening here.  Some of it is travel related, some of it is all about business.  At 42 years old I’m no retiree.  And that means that earning a living while full time RV’ing is something I have to do.

Living In Tin

The latest travel guide at Living In Tin has been posted.  Because the Grand Staircase Escalante is so big, we’ve elected to break up the guides into smaller bites.  In total there will be 3 articles on the Grand Staircase, and #1 has hit Living in Tin!  “Cottonwood Canyon Road – The Grand Staircase Escalante.”

This first article was initially part of a teaser on Living In Tin.  And the teaser has been finished out.  Cottonwood Canyon Road is an amazing place to explore.  And honestly it’s not a 1 day thing.  Sure, you can drive the road in a day, but why hurry?  Amazing canyons, crazy rock formations, driving on a wild fault line.  It’s got everything you need for a true multi-day adventure.  Heck, I’ve spent days just walking around in Hackberry canyon, and every time I saw something new.

The second October article is also in the works.  And to mix things up it isn’t about the Grand Staircase.  I know, folks want to know all about Hole in the Rock road, but be patient.

Thanks to all of our early subscribers who have been providing great feedback and requests for updates at Living In Tin.  We’ll be incorporating everything that we can, and you’re going to help us build one of the best adventure guide sites on the net!!!

Why oh why is there a 3 hour time difference?

One of my clients will get a kick out of this one.  They’re in New Jersey, and I’m in Arizona.  So we have a slight difference in what our clocks say each morning.  Well, morning is relative, isn’t it?  Because while I’m chatting away on the phone with my clients and ponder breakfast, he’s pondering lunch.

We’re currently doing a re-design on a manufacturing company in New Jersey.  And since we’re not on site we get to spend a lot of time on the phone.  I’m glad I have my little earbuds for the calls, otherwise I’d have a neck cramp by now.  The next few days will find me on the phone with New Jersey in the morning.  Updating images, tweaking the design, and making sure we have the site right!  I do enjoy helping my clients reach new customers for their own business.

See, I’m still writing away, just not here.  You can only type so much in a day before you really want nothing to do with your computer!

In Prescott for a spell

So, the Airstream is parked back in Prescott for a bit.  There, that’s the official announcement.  Go figure while in Colorado we’d get a call from a potential client located in Prescott.  Last week we took a ride down to meet with the folks who had contacted us, and we got the job.  And yes, there were other bidders, some lower than us, some higher.  The difference?  Listening to what the clients wants, and demonstrating that we can in fact bring their vision to life.

This will be one of the most complex database heavy sites we’ve done to date.  Glad I’m a SQL guy!

Fair warning…..I’m not out and about through town visiting everyone.  I really don’t have the time at the moment.  2 clients over the next month.  That’s a busy month.  Commercial photo shoots, hanging out in hangers, shooting some epic corporate images that I can’t wait to do?  Busy yes, but enjoying it all the same!

Alright, there’s the update.  Have a fantastic day.  And if you haven’t stopped by Living in Tin yet, take a gander!

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