A sick day

Richard Charpentier Notes from Rich 5 Comments

Well, I only have a few days left at the tie over job and I found myself calling in sick this morning.  No, not trying to avoid the place.  I’m sick.

Since Sunday I’ve been running into person after person with bad colds.  At work several employees have been showing up pretty darned sick.  So I’ve been doing the vitamin C drops, drinking water like crazy, and trying not to touch any of the sick people.  Unfortunately I failed at keeping this cold at bay.  This morning I woke up so clogged it wasn’t funny.

Watch out for this one gang!

I’ll be hiding out at the Airstream for the day drinking plenty of water and resting on the couch.  Hopefully I can get this thing arrested in a day.  Glad to say I’ve got plenty of Puffs Plus!

Comments 5

  1. Nice – I was fighting it over the past several days. Today is the first day I have found “normal”. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  2. Yuck! Have you gotten a flu shot? Wash those hands after any contact especially when handling money. Avoid food cross contamination which occurs with sharing food, and air borne contagion via the eyes or nose. Flush those sinuses with saline solution, gargle, and above all, take care and get well soon.

  3. Not only is it a AZ and FL thing. It has hit Sutton and Douglas MA. Even the babies are stuffy.

  4. Post

    Can’t have chicken soup Lois. I do miss that stuff though.

    Tom, sorry to hear you had it too. I’m cloggy.

    No flu shots this year Larry. Wash my hands all the time. 🙂 Napped all day too!

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