Play anywhere

Richard Charpentier Arizona, Arizona Photographer, HDR, Photography, Portrait Work, Prescott, RLC Design 1 Comment

Hmmmm, I have no excuse for not posting yesterday. Actually, I could have posted this last night, but instead I zoned out for a while.  🙂

Last week you saw a few images from a quick session with Zach.  If you couldn’t tell, he does tennis.  My favorite of course was the image of him in the parking garage here in Prescott.  A complete re-edit of the garage was necessary to pull it all together, and then adding Zach in.  Below are the images that went to build the final composite.

First the original garage image. I didn't like the blown out areas on the right, so I copied the image, flipped it, and then merged it.

The garage lightly HDR'd

Zach almost clipped out from the studio session

The final composite

In talking with Zach’s parents, some of my peers, and friends who dug this image I hit upon the concept of “Play Anywhere.”  Zach looks ready to play in the garage, right.  So now I’m hoping to do a series of different athletes in the area.  Each one will get a “play anywhere” composite as part of our shoot.  Just seems fun to me.

And yes, this image is an ode to Joel Grimes.  Love his work!  And I won’t try an copy what he does.  What I’d like to do is grow my own work from a starting point that I’ve learned after seeing his work.  Hopefully my own twist will come through as well.  But remember, it’s a learning process.

After shooting Zach my next victim (heh) was Everest.  Zach’s brother.  Apparently Everest is some type of Soccer Guru (he’s good), so I thought it would be fun to do a few shots of him.  The image below is a composite of Everest’s “play anywhere”, and it’s not done.  I need to add a soccer net in the background and some stadium lights too.  Oh, and yes, it’s an extreme background and definitely looks composited.  That’s purposeful.  I had a very nicely blended version that almost looked real, and I just didn’t like it.  Decided instead that we’d go super surreal for a little more impact.

Want your own “play anywhere” scene?  Well, get in touch, we can make it happen!

Comments 1

  1. Rich there are places I may never go and things I may never get to do… but maybe I can hire your to create a fantasy world for me. Point is, I’m fascinated by all you are now doing. And it all remains pure photography!

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