things are looking brighter

Had a little photo fun on Saturday

Richard Charpentier Arizona, Photography, Prescott 2 Comments

Yesterday I went out and just played around with pictures.  Not looking to create any new prints, not working on workflow tutorials…….nothing like that.  Just took a day to run around and enjoy myself again.  If it was a Sunday you could have called me a Sunday driver.  Oh, and the monsoonal cloud build showed up in the afternoon just to offer a little extra drama!

Before anything else, I wanted to go visit the King of Puppies again!

Monsoon clouds building over Granite Mountain. Taken from Tonto Road.

Rain toward Chino Valley. Shot somewhere near the Vegas Ranch


Distinct rain lines in the distance

Comments 2

  1. You may have been focused on the monsoon clouds, but I’m a sucker for roads disappearing into the distance. The mystery of what is at the end of that road beckons.

  2. Any time you want a tag-along, give me a call. I need to get out more and I’m usually very flexible….. well, actually I should do more stretches before making that claim. My schedule is pretty flexible though.

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