Somebody’s getting rain somewhere…..just not right here

Richard Charpentier Arizona, Photography 2 Comments

The monsoon season is an interesting time of year.  Amazing cloud builds, insane thunder and lightening, and flash flooding.  The super interesting part?  You can be two blocks away from an amazing downpour and stay bone dry all day.  Downpours are never predictable!

So, as I watched the cloud builds today all around the Granite Dells I thought to myself that someone has to be getting rain.  While I wasn’t getting any here, somewhere in the area the skies were opening up.  What to do what to do?

Since I’ve got Mondays off (well, sometimes) I decided to go get a closer look at some of the cool cloud builds.  There were amazing clouds behind Granite Mountain, crazy stuff out toward Prescott Valley, and a mind blowing build out toward Chino Valley.  Hopping in the truck I quickly decided to head for Chino, and for Perkinsville Road.

I got my money’s worth.  Not literally of course, except for the cost of gas.  But yeah, Chino was a great choice!

The Titan on the edge of an ominous sky. Not a drop of rain hit the truck today!

Only one cow was brave enough to stare down my 5D Mark II. It was a young cow, but clearly the pack's Alpha.... 🙂

Who needs TV for entertainment while living in AZ?

Two out of 3 images here are HDRs.  The other?  Photoshop & Lightroom.  🙂

Comments 2

  1. OK – I can’t tell which one is NOT HDR… I’m thinking the 2nd one. Nice clouds, we are allegedly getting rain here tomorrow. It would be a nice change of pace from the 105 degree days with NO clouds.

  2. Post

    The first one is the non-HDR. Popped it in Photoshop and sharpened it, the back in Lightroom I used the gradient tool and “burned” the sky ever so slightly to give the feel that the shot used a graduated filter.

    The other 2….Photomatix. 🙂

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