Back to work

Richard Charpentier Notes from Rich 4 Comments

backtowork (1 of 1)

Look, upright and dressed too. Even remembered a belt!

Well, technically I was in the building yesterday until 3 p.m., but I was totally out of it.  Pain killers, you know.  And don’t worry, I didn’t drive in yesterday.  I got carted around, gratefully I might add!

Today the jaw is still in pain.  And I’m not smiling.  Sorry, it still hurts to smile.  But the good news is I’m upright and I think the jaw is healing.  Well, I hope it’s healing!

Since I’m not running around taking fun pictures today I thought I’d post one of myself in the gallery.  Evidence that I am indeed back at work, and not in a pain killer haze lying on the couch watching cartoons.  To be honest, I’d like to be on the couch watching cartoons for one more day!  🙂

Ian will be in later this afternoon, and I will most likely head home and put myself back on the couch.  Can’t wait until the pain from the root canal is gone.  Why is there any pain given the fact that this same tooth was done back in 05′?  Anyone make any sense of that at all, drop me a line……

Comments 4

  1. It doesn’t make any sense to me how a tooth that had a root canal could be hurting you. If you ever get an explanation, let me know.

  2. Post
  3. Still makes no sense – a root canal basicaly is supposed to kill the tooth. It should have no sensation, and if there is an infection next door or underneath, then it sounds like the dentist before didn’t properly seal the area when he dug out the tooth because an infection couldn’t get that deep on its own. Getting an infection underneath the roots means it had to travel down that path where the previous guy drilled…I dunno, but would be talking to the dentist from 4 years ago and asking some pretty hard questions.

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