Leave only tire tracks

The family update

Richard Charpentier Notes from Rich 5 Comments

Just got off the phone with my dad.  He’s sounding pretty good this morning.

Currently their RV is in New Mexico.  Tucumcari, New Mexico to be specific.  Wow!

New Mexico is another one of my favorite states.  When I spent time in Santa Fe I fell in love with the area.  I also thoroughly enjoyed Santa Rosa, which is a spot where my family is currently close to.  Wish I was out there too.  That would be fun!

I think they’ll camp at the Painted Desert tonight.  Ah, I’m so jealous.  That’s a place I really want to photograph!  I’ll have to plan a trip.

So, 574 miles away from Prescott now.  Guess I’ll be seeing them VERY soon!

Comments 5

  1. Whee!! Soooo close…I wish I was at the Painted Desert as well…it is so beautiful out there, and I’ve been dying to go and photograph that part of Route 66 as an adult…

  2. Tucumcari…. it’s a hell of a town. 🙂 We drove through there twice when we went to see my folks in OK. Great if you are a photographer with a few hours to spare.

  3. Hi Rich! Only 336 miles today and as you know we didn’t make the painted desert yet and missed the Red Rock State Park exit so we are sleeping in luxury at the KOA in Gallup, New Mexico: internet that works! beautiful and huge laundry! indoor swimming for the two lake lovers of this group! and a train that passes by regularly just for your Dad’s entertainment!

    And I have to tell you, since this is “The Airstream Chronicles …” that earlier today we spotted the convoy of Airstreams picking up 40 East into Albuquerque for the Balloon Festival! We were on 40 west and they were coming off the ramp overhead. It was a sight!

    See you tomorrow – day 8!! Can you believe it!?!

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