Ian Russell & Howard Stern

Richard Charpentier Notes from Rich 7 Comments

It’s come to that moment when I can talk about Ian’s new found “fame.”

Months ago Ian decided to do paintings of each member of Howard Stern’s staff including Howard himself.  For months Ian searched for ways to get the paintings to Howard, but to no avail.

A few weeks ago Jay Thomas came into the Ian Russell Gallery and got to see the paintings first hand.  See, Jay was dining at the Firehouse Restaurant and the owner, Cheryl, brought him over to see Ian’s paintings.  Things really moved quickly from there.

Last week Ian boxed up all of the paintings and shipped them off to New York, NY.  Since that moment he’s been worried about how things would go……

This morning things went pretty well on the Howard Stern show.  Overall the paintings were greeted with positive remarks.  Apparently one of the staff members got picked on due to Ian’s depiction of him.  I don’t know the whole story, I’m not a Sirrius listener, I’m an XM guy.  🙂

So, there you have it.  The cat is now out of the bag.  Ian is getting his 15 minutes as we speak.  Even better, he’s getting an interview on Sirrius today.  We’re keeping the phone lines clear here at the gallery so he can do the interview!

Comments 7

  1. I’m guessing it was the painting of the alien that got a bit of razzin. 🙂

    And didn’t sirius buy XM?

    Congrats to Ian!

  2. Ya know…call it woman’s intuition, but I had a feeling this is what you were hinting at…. haha! 😉

    Thanks for the gallery tour last night, and allowing me the chance to drool on your new toys.

  3. Post

    The Alien painting wasn’t the razzin one Tombo. It was the one with the primate family in the background. On the Stern web site they referred to it as “Gary’s Inner Primate.”

    Ian was painting things based on the conversations he’s heard on the show. People’s favorite things, or the things they pick on each other about.

    Dina, pop by the gallery anytime. Still….you need a Mac soon! 🙂

  4. What – you don’t have the “Best of Sirius” Package, for $9.99… yeah, I don’t either.

  5. oh, I do in fact have a Mac…the G4, from 2003. Don’t you worry though, I’m saving my pennies for that 24″!

    Charlie caught the beginning of the Stern show, but had to run into the school. Said what he did hear was great! Congrats! I hope you boys get oodles of positive feedback and even bigger sales!

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