A newer Airstream at Organ Pipe

Is your website mobile friendly?

Richard Charpentier Notes from Rich 1 Comment

This morning I posted over at our business website regarding the upcoming changes announced by Google.  It looks like mobile friendly websites are going to get a ranking boost.  Put another way, non-mobile friendly websites are not going to receive love.

The Airstream Chronicles is mobile!

The Airstream Chronicles is mobile!

The Airstream Chronicles is mobile friendly, and it has been for years.  As tech changes, you’ve got to change with it.  And this is something I’ve been sharing with potential clients since we started working on sites for small businesses.  People are now searching for you on smartphones and tablets, and if your site doesn’t display well on these platforms you’re going to lose potential customers.

With Google’s recent changes I’m hoping to find a few more clients!  As an RV’er I can tell you searching for good parks on my iPhone is an exercise in frustration.  When we travel and I look up potential parks to stay in, finding non-mobile sites drives me a little crazy.  Parks know their clients are mobile, yet they don’t cater to what their clients are using to find them.

If you don’t have a mobile site yet, and you’re trying to reach out to a mobile client base, get in touch with us!  We can help.  Remember, I’m not just an Airstream blogger, I’m a former wireless network engineer, executive, and photographer.  Interesting combination of skills indeed, and if you need a mobile website I’ve got a few thoughts to be sure!

Oh, finally, do you want to know if your website is mobile friendly?  Google actually setup a page that will tell you.  Click here and discover whether or not you’re reaching the mobile crowd.

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