Setting Goals

Richard Charpentier Arizona, Notes from Rich, Prescott, RLC Design 4 Comments

For months now I’ve been driving by a small house in the downtown Prescott area that has my attention.  I keep thinking it would be a perfect size for the print reproduction business, the gallery, and have enough spare room for a small apartment….for me.  🙂

We’re about half way through our lease at our current location for the business.  Since the start of RL Charpentier Photography my business has covered its expenses on its own.  Rent, electric, supplies, etc.  Finally its starting to pay me as well.  I’m not making network engineering money, but for a business that’s still under 3 years old, I think it’s doing well.

Yesterday I decided to stop by the building that’s had my attention.  The for sale sign has been up for a while.  Personally, I wonder what leasing the building would cost given the current market environment.  I’ve got a feeling that for what we currently pay on our lease we could have so much more.

So, what’s on my mind?

Just setting goals for the future.  Where does the business go next?  Would a new location help or hurt the business?  When will I pop out of the Airstream and have a more “normal” living arrangement?  Could I combine work and home into a single location thus lowering my bills?  What I pay for my share of the lease currently is several hundred dollars more per month than my old mortgage payment back in New England.  Wouldn’t it be nice to combine things to reduce costs?

In the end, I’d love to see myself in this cute little building in town.  Plenty of parking for customers, more space then we have now, etc, etc.  Any art fans out there who want to invest in the growth of my business?  😉

I’ll keep driving by #139 to make sure it remains vacant.  And I’ll keep telling myself that I’d love to work toward getting into this place.  With luck and effort I can grow the business to a point where I can actually plan and save for such a move.  Until then……..gotta get more print clients, and increase sales of my own works.

Want to see me meet my goals?  Pop by the gallery, buy a print or two.  Or stop by the updated gallery web site and purchase something.  🙂

Comments 4

  1. I drove by it too. I saw it and thought the same thing. Positive vibes to the universe. I will keep sending jobs your way when I can.

  2. That place looks like it might have a ton of potential. Is the zoning of the property compatible for facilitating a gallery?

  3. Post
  4. Yes – you should hire me. By the time I’m done with it, you’ll have a tower in the backyard or the parking lot, and a billboard in the front! That would help in paying the bills…

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