Where oh where has Rich been…..and where’s the blog been?

Richard Charpentier Arizona, Photography, Portrait Work, Prescott 3 Comments

I know, I know…..Negligent.  Worse, I still haven’t filled you in on the McNally Workshop, some other things I’ve been learning, and what’s new and exciting.

Of course, you know about the DVD Version 1 Release.  So, I did fill you in on that.

We’ll get to McNally and all other things educational soon.  It will be a long post.  And right now I don’t have time.  Another portrait session in 45 minutes, so I have to blog fast!

And the answer to where I’ve been lies in the sentence above.  Another portrait session.  And another.  Add another on to that……and keep going.  🙂

Weeks ago I offered an amazing deal through the end of this year on portrait sessions.  $100 for a 1 hour shoot.  And people have been taking me up on it.  It’s a good thing I’ve limited the time.  I could grind myself into the ground if I kept doing sessions so cheap.

So I’ve been super busy, super distracted, I find myself constantly recharging batteries (hey that was in my list on being a better photographer), and not sleeping much.  The lack of sleep has to do with a back spasm, but fortunately it’s finally fading.  Soon I should sleep well again!

Last night I ended up at a local fundraiser Christmas party doing quickie portraits for the folks attending.  Didn’t get home until 11:30, and sat up sorting pictures from all of my shooting yesterday while charging batteries again.

I won’t be displaying the quick portraits from last night as I hadn’t asked anyone for their permission.  But soon you should be seeing some more portrait work from these back to back shoots.  I have to get okays first.  Not assuming anything you know, and I’d rather clients told me posting was cool first.

With all that said, Fillabusta was playing for the event, and I’ve shot with them before.  That’s why the Fillabusta shots are included in this post.  Exciting, no?  🙂

Well, enough with the blogging.  I have to get ready to meet my client.  And now you know where I’ve been.  Oh, and as a bonus for today’s post, a shot of me (rarely ever seen right).  I had Kassie fire this one off for me when I was testing the lighting last night.

Oh, and yup, I have 2 new VALs that I’m training.  Elliot and Kassie.  Soon I’ll be teaming both of them up to really help add something to the shoots I’m doing.

Comments 3

  1. Love that expression on the guitarist face! Is the one guy in the group shot smiling to show green teeth?!?! How wild is that!? 🙂 Nice work Rich…

  2. Post

    Oh lol Jason! I thought I’d controlled for everything with this exposure. Neutralized the ambient lighting, worked it well with a EZYBox 24″…but nope. There were actually Red and Green Lights in front of the performance area. Looking close the green shows in everyone’s eyes as well. That’s what I get for picking photos at midnight last night!

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