10,000 steps from the Airstream

Richard Charpentier Arizona, hiking, Notes from Rich, Travel 3 Comments

Watson Lake and the Granite Dells.  This image took 4 years to produce

Watson Lake and the Granite Dells. This image took 4 years to produce

8:00 a.m. start of the day.

Over the past few weeks I’ve been spending too much time sitting at the Airstream dinette in front of a big computer monitor.  First we wrapped up our client in New Jersey, then moved right on to our client here in Prescott.  The work is going well, but you need to step away from the work and get outside now and then.  So today I’m doing something a little different.  I’m taking the day off from working on our client’s site, and I’m just going to have a day of rest.

Part of the day of rest includes getting off my butt.  For a former Thru Hiker, climbing enthusiast, and outdoor photographer it’s been pretty sad how inactive I’ve been.  Being in the Granite Dells once again I find myself in an extremely beautiful place where outdoor activities are available to me.  It’s time to get out and enjoy where I’m at.

These days everyone seems to be running around with activity monitors or smart phones that tract your physical exercise each day.  And last week I picked one up too.  I’d like to lose a few pounds, and I know that hiking is a great way to do that.  So today I’ll be walking around the park with the camera once again.  And moving forward I’ll be trying to hit that 10,000 steps a day that all these little pedometers suggest.  Honestly, I don’t think the number of steps is as relevant as just getting active, and I’ll be working on being more active a few hours a day from this point forward.

This will be an odd post.  I’ll update it throughout the day, and finish it off this evening after I’ve met my goal.

The first 632 steps

Heading out of the Airstream this morning with the Canon 5D II in hand, I walked one simple loop around the top of the park.  There are two loops in the park, lower and upper, and we’re currently in the upper loop.  And if you walk a full loop here at Point of Rocks in the upper section only, it counts as 632 steps.

Another 1400

Taking a full walk around Point of Rocks, including both the upper and lower loops will get you another 1400 steps (well, if you’re my height).  And it takes very little time to walk around the entire park.  What’s more interesting is walking up into the Dells.  There’s where you’ll really get some steps in.  Rock hoping, scrambling up to the height of land to see some amazing sites.  That’s what will be up next!

Of course, I could just walk around the park itself 8 more time and throw in an extra upper loop and be done with it.  But the fun of hiking is where you’re going, and what you see while getting there.  That’s what I used to say when I’d set off on a long hike, or for a few weeks in the woods.  If you’re going to get these 10,000 steps a day, why not see something while you’re doing it?  Otherwise you might as well be on a treadmill!

10,000 Steps

And the rest rolled in. As the day went on I took a walk into the Dells (over 3000 steps), drove over to the grocery store to do a little shopping, and went downtown in search of something that I totally blanked on when I arrived.  I was looking for an apple candle, but I blanked getting to town.  Before I knew it, 10,000 steps had been completed, and then a few more on top of that.  We’ll have to see what tomorrow holds!  Another 10,000 I hope.

If you really want to get 10,000 steps a day, I have a great suggestion.  Go somewhere amazing.  Getting out and playing tourist can really get you off your backside!  Wandering through a place like the Granite Dells (the photo at the start of this post), it becomes so simple to achieve exercise goals.  Taking a trip up to The Vermillion Cliffs, or out to Vulture, or down in Borrego?  Yes, you’ll be outside a lot and stepping away without thinking about it!  And if you want to know more about great places to pay a visit, pop over to Living In Tin.  The trips there will really get you stepping!

Comments 3

  1. Rich, I’m curious. Do you have a printer with you in Airstream? What one? I’m sure there is not room for your big Canon or HP. I see brother has an all in one which prints landscape on letter paper, so it can do 11″ x 17″. I have not seen a sample of it’s output, however.

  2. Post

    Phil, we have a little Canon IP 100. It’s a fantastic compact little printer. I use it for 8×10’s and smaller. But I haven’t come across anything that could do an 11×17 and fit in our limited space. Oh, and the drawback to the 100 is pretty simple. Tiny cartridges, and very expensive too. It’s not a value proposition for making prints for folks. When I need to get a lot of prints in I use MPix.com

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